Dental Procedures

Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is a significant part of who you are and is sometimes the first thing others detect about you. Don’t let the appearance of your teeth prevent you from creating a remarkable first impression! Whether you have yellow or crooked teeth, or aren’t happy with how your smile looks, Cosmetic Dentistry is the answer for you. Cosmetic Dentistry, also known as veneer dentistry, is about the pursuit of alluring beauty. It exists along the lines of facial symmetry and harmony. It is the part of dentistry that is sought to create a positive transformation in your teeth and your smile. It is all about a “smile makeover,” a great, improved smile. Smile enhancement can dramatically influence your appearance; even the slightest modification in your smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem and make you want to smile more. Improvements in cosmetic dentistry procedures can range from bare teeth color correction- to replacing missing teeth, or fancying your smile with veneers. This also includes tooth bonding. Everyone would like to be proud of their smile and display it, but numerous people do not have this confidence because of chips or cracks in their teeth, gaps in their teeth, yellow teeth, uneven gums, missing teeth, etc. Cosmetic dentistry can be capitalized on to fix all these issues and give you the assurance in your smile you have always wanted.

100% Porcelain Veneers

100% Porcelain Veneers are a non-mixture type of dental veneers. 100% Porcelain Veneers are made out of a dental material that imitates the physicality of natural tooth characteristics, such as shape, color, shine, and texture. It is a primary durable material that can last more than 15 years with proper care. 100% Porcelain Veneers do not stain, lose their shine or change color over time.

60% Porcelain Veneers

60% Porcelain Veneers have some of the advantages of Porcelain Veneers at a cheaper cost. These veneers are a mixture of porcelain, resin, and zirconium silicate particles, which makes them resistant to wear and fractures, as well as stains from tobacco. However, dyed beverages can cause these veeners to stain similar to Composite Veneers. You will need to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth immediately after consumption of these liquids as well. 60% of Porcelain Veneers can last up to 9 years with the proper care.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are tooth-colored resin applied over the teeth to enhance the look of the natural teeth. These minimally-invasive variety coverings sit on top of your existing teeth, enabling to shape your teeth into a more desirable appearance. Durability of the Composite Veneers depends on lifestyle. Certain lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking will cause the veneers to lose shine and change color. Composite veneers will eventually wear after 5 to 7 years. Overconsuming dyed beverages like red wine, coffee, soda, tea, and orange juice can stain your composite veneers, like natural teeth. Rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth immediately after consuming these drinks is a must with composite veneers.

Dental Bridge

A Dental Bridge is a custom replacement of multiple crowns that fill the area where one or more teeth are missing. They are made of two or more custom dental crowns fused together.A tooth bridge is a fixed alternative for one or more missing teeth.


A crown is an over the tooth cap or cover. Crowns are made from porcelain or ceramic and zirconium. They help conceal functional damage to a tooth or multiple teeth. They are long-lasting and crack-resistant, which makes them a good option for molars and front teeth that are cracked, broken, or misshaped. A crown can also safeguard a tooth or enhance its looks. A crown can be used for many reasons; some being to Aid a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t enough structure for it, to Replace missing teeth, to Protect a fragile tooth from fracturing, to Fix a broken tooth, or as a Cap for a dental implant.

Dental implants

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that substitutes the roots of missing teeth. A dental implant is a tiny, screw-like, metal base, generally made of titanium, that replaces the tooth's root. A fastener is then built into the top of the dental implant to attach it to the replacement tooth or crown. The crown is then fashioned to match the natural teeth in the patient’s mouth.upport.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-four implants are dental implants where the complete set of upper or lower teeth are replaced with a group of implants. These all on four dental implants act as a support instrument for a new set of teeth. They are a more permanent and natural-looking option than dentures. With an All-on-4 implant, four titanium screws are surgically inserted into the jawbone as the main anchors; then, they are attached to a permanent denture that looks seamless across your entire mouth. The prosthesis is everlasting and looks as precise and realistic as your natural teeth.

All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 implants use six dental titanium implants that are surgically infused into the jawbone to support a permanent bridge or denture that serves as replacement teeth for your upper or lower jaw. All on 6 implants utilize four implants in the front of your jaw and two implants placed at an angle in the back for maximum supports. Just like All-on-4s implants it is used to replace the complete set of upper or lower teeth with implants as the supporting instrument for a a new set of teeth. They are as well a permanent, secure, and beautiful solution.


A Gingivectomy, sometimes called a gingivoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes a portion of the gums. It is an indispensable procedure when the gums have pulled away from the teeth developing profound pockets. A gingivectomy is typically accomplished before gum disease harms the bone to reinforce the teeth. Gingivectomies were initially developed to treat periodontal disease; however, it has now joined the cosmetic surgery industry as it is used to remove overgrown gum tissue and improve the appearance of the gums.

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