Frequent Answered Questions

Where are you located?

We are located in Cartagena, Colombia.

I thought you were located in Pennsylvania.

Lili Clarke INC, our medical facilitator headquarters, is located in Pennsylvania.

What do I need to enter Colombia?

You need to fill out the “Check Mig” immigration forms

Be fully Vaccinated or a negative rapid Covid test.

How long do I have to stay in Colombia?

  • The length of time in Colombia depends on the procedure.
    For composite and 60% porcelain veneers 4 nights/5 days.
  • 100% porcelain veneers 5 nights/ 6 days.
  • Any implants 14 days, and 2 trips. 6 nights/ 7 days each time
  • For plastic surgery minimum of 13 days.

Why do I need to stay long after plastic surgery?

Many people travel too soon after their surgery which is hazardous.
Air travel or even long car rides can potentially trigger DVT ( deep vein thrombosis), also known as a blood clot in your legs. The clot can break off and travel to the lungs and generate a pulmonary embolism (PE), which could lead to death. This risk is prevalent up to day 14 post-surgery. Therefore, it is important to consider not traveling until day 15 to ensure full recovery and not gamble with your health.

Do you shave down the teeth of veneers?

In the past, for the application of veneers, doctors used to shave down the person’s teeth significantly, but it is not protocol for veneer application anymore. We barely shave down your teeth.

Does my veneers have to be so white?

Veneers colors are customized to the desire and needs of the client.

Are my veneers going to look big like horses' teeth?

We are cosmetic dentistry artists. We believe in beauty and aesthetics, so we customize our client smile to match their faces. Our clients and experts.

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